
Orioles are a family of passerine birds that are found in North and South America. They are known for their bright orange and black plumage, and their distinctive songs. There are 12 species of orioles in North America, and one of them, the Baltimore oriole, is found in southwest Ohio.

Baltimore orioles are medium-sized birds, about 7-8 inches long. They have a long, slender bill and a long tail. The male Baltimore oriole is bright orange and black, with a black head and throat, and an orange breast and belly. The female is duller, with a yellow-green body and a black head and throat.

Baltimore orioles are migratory birds, and they spend the winter in Central and South America. They return to southwest Ohio in the spring, in late April or early May. They build their nests in trees, and they lay 4-6 eggs. The eggs hatch after about 12 days, and the young birds fledge after about 14 days.

Baltimore orioles eat a variety of insects, including flies, wasps, and caterpillars. They also eat fruit, such as berries and cherries.

Baltimore orioles are an important part of the ecosystem in southwest Ohio. They help to control insect populations, and they also provide food for other animals, such as hawks and owls. They are also a popular bird with birdwatchers, and they are a joy to see flitting through the trees.

Here are some tips for attracting Baltimore orioles to your yard:

  • Plant trees and shrubs that provide food and shelter for orioles, such as sassafras, black gum, and crabapple.
  • Put up a bird feeder that offers orioles their favorite foods, such as oranges, grape jelly, and mealworms.
  • Keep your yard free of pesticides and herbicides, which can harm orioles and other wildlife.

By providing a safe and inviting habitat for Baltimore orioles, you can help to ensure that these beautiful birds will continue to visit your yard for years to come.