
The cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) is the state bird of Ohio. It is a familiar sight in backyards and parks throughout the state, and its bright red color makes it a popular bird for birdwatchers. Cardinals are year-round residents of Ohio, and they can be found in a variety of habitats, including woodlands, forests, and even urban areas.

Cardinals are about 8 inches long and weigh about 1.5 ounces. The male cardinal is bright red with black facial markings, while the female is a duller brown with red accents. Both sexes have a crest on their heads and a red bill. Cardinals are known for their beautiful song, which is a series of whistles and warbles.

Cardinals are omnivorous, and their diet consists of insects, seeds, and berries. They are also known to eat suet and other birdseed that is put out by birdwatchers. Cardinals are monogamous, and they mate for life. The female lays about 4-6 eggs, which hatch after about 12 days. The young birds fledge after about 14 days.

Cardinals are an important part of the Ohio ecosystem. They help to control insect populations, and they also provide food for other animals, such as hawks and owls. Cardinals are also a popular bird for birdwatching, and they bring joy to people all over the state.

Here are some tips for attracting cardinals to your yard:

  • Provide food and water. Cardinals eat a variety of foods, including seeds, berries, and insects. You can attract cardinals to your yard by putting out a bird feeder that contains a variety of seeds. You should also provide a source of fresh water, such as a birdbath.
  • Plant native plants. Cardinals prefer to nest in dense shrubs and trees. You can attract cardinals to your yard by planting native plants that provide cover for nesting. Some good options include viburnum, dogwood, and holly.
  • Keep your yard clean. Cardinals are attracted to clean, uncluttered yards. You can make your yard more attractive to cardinals by removing debris and keeping your yard free of pesticides.

Cardinals are beautiful and fascinating birds that are a joy to watch. By following these tips, you can attract cardinals to your yard and enjoy their presence all year long.