
Grackles are a common sight in southwest Ohio, where they can be found in a variety of habitats, including farm fields, parks, and urban areas. These blackbirds are known for their loud calls and their habit of gathering in large flocks.

Common grackles are about the size of a crow, with long, slender bodies and long, pointed tails. They are black overall, with iridescent blue and green sheen on the males. Females are slightly duller than males. Grackles have a long, thick bill that curves slightly downward.

Grackles are omnivores, and their diet consists of a variety of seeds, insects, and other small animals. They are especially fond of corn, and they can often be seen feeding in farm fields. Grackles are also known to eat garbage, and they are often seen scavenging in dumpsters and other areas where food scraps are discarded.

Grackles are noisy birds, and their calls can be quite loud and raucous. They are known to make a variety of calls, including a loud, harsh “chack” call and a more mellow “grack” call. Grackles also make a variety of other sounds, including squeals, whistles, and chirps.

Grackles are social birds, and they often gather in large flocks. These flocks can number in the hundreds or even thousands of birds. Grackles typically roost in trees or other tall structures at night, and they often fly together in large groups to and from feeding areas.

Grackles are a common sight in southwest Ohio, and they are a familiar part of the landscape. These blackbirds are known for their loud calls, their habit of gathering in large flocks, and their omnivorous diet. Grackles are an important part of the ecosystem, and they play a role in controlling insect populations.

Here are some additional facts about grackles in southwest Ohio:

  • Grackles are migratory birds, and they typically arrive in southwest Ohio in the spring and leave in the fall.
  • Grackles are cavity nesters, and they often nest in abandoned woodpecker holes or other natural cavities.
  • Grackles are preyed upon by a variety of predators, including hawks, owls, and snakes.
  • Grackles can be a nuisance, as they can damage crops and make a lot of noise. However, they are also beneficial birds, as they help to control insect populations.

Overall, grackles are an interesting and important part of the ecosystem in southwest Ohio. These blackbirds may not be everyone’s favorite bird, but they play an important role in the environment.